Goal Setting for Success


New year, new you? Nope, new year, improved you! Tomorrow will be page one of your 365 page book, known as 2020. You are the writer, the narrator, and the leading role; it is your story – make it a great one.
Setting realistic, achievable goals is the blueprint to any successful endeavor.
Goals should be S.M.A.R.T:

When thinking about what you want to accomplish this year, start with your one main goal, and then break it down into smaller, achievable segments. Think about what it looks like on on a monthly basis, but then also break it down into weekly, and daily scales too. The more you know what your goal commitment looks like, the more likely you will be to accomplish it. Writing them down, and breaking them into smaller, do-able segments will help you stay committed long term, throughout the entire year, not just the first few weeks.

Another helpful tool for your fitness goal setting is an Activity Tracker Calendar. Being able to have a monthly blueprint for your fitness activity log can help you stay motivated to keep moving, even after a long work day. Remember, even 3 minutes of focused, purposeful exercises is better than none. So set a time for 3 minutes and run in place!

Being able to SEE the hard work you have done will help you to keep pressing on, and you’ll feel accomplished in the process. Anytime you participate in focused, purposeful movement, write it down on the log. When you’re feeling discouraged or at a loss of what to do, looking back on everything you’ve logged, this will help reignite the motivation flame and give you ideas of simple things you can do.

While goals should be something that pushes you to improvement, they should not be a source of stress and unease. If goals are causing you more feelings of stress than accomplishment, you should re-evaluate your goals. Goals will change as you improve, just because you set a goal for the week, doesn’t make you cant change it as the week progresses. Be flexible with yourself, just keep moving forward. The more you discuss your goals, the more motivated you will be to accomplish them, share your goals/worksheets with me so I can help.

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