6 Tips to Help You Sleep Better at Night


Getting a restful night’s sleep is just as important as eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. Sleep helps clean the system, it allows you to recover from the days stresses (both physical and mental), process information/memories, and recharge for the next day, allowing you to feel refreshed and alert upon waking.  

Without enough sleep you may find it more difficult to concentrate, think clearly, be productive, react and get along with others. Consistently getting little sleep at night may increase your risk for some chronic diseases, increase the levels of cortisol in the body (stress hormone), and make it more likely to gain weight.

Here are 6 tips to help improve your sleep hygiene and get you one step closer to your goals:

  1. Make a Bedtime Routine:
    • Set a time to start winding down for the evening. Ideally you want to start winding down at least an hour before you want to go to bed.
    • Try to pick one more calming activities to allow the mind to become quiet. You could:
      • read
      • journal
      • meditate
      • listen to music
      • take a bath/shower
      • enjoy a mug of calming tea
      • listen to a mellow podcast or a sleep story
      • establish a stretching routine or do some yoga
  1. Limit Screen Time:
    • Say goodnight to your electronics at the start of your bed time routine (about an an hour or more before your desired sleep time). Electronic devices [computers, TVs, smartphones, and backlit tablets] all emit blue light which slows the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. If you are unable to put electronics away, try to turn on your phone’s blue-light filter well before bedtime or wear blue-light blocking glasses.
  1. Cut Afternoon Caffeine:
    • Caffeine suppresses your body from processing it’s natural sleep signal. This can be helpful in the morning hours, but disruptive to winding down in the evening. Caffeine can stay in your system for up to 12 hours, so eliminate all caffeine after 12pm to help ensure your body starts to wind down at the appropriate time.
  1. Set a Bed Time and a Wake up Time and Stick to Them:
    • Our circadian rhythm is your natural, internal sleep-wake cycle that revolves around the 24-hour day. It is important to establish, and stick to, a sleep/wake up routine – even on weekends. By following a regular schedule, your internal clock can develop a regular routine and over time, you’ll be able to fall asleep and wake up with ease
    • If you find yourself waking in the middle of the night, try to exit the bedroom, do one of the calming activities from Tip #1, and return to your bedroom to fall back asleep. Keeping the bedroom sleep focused will establish a sleeping routine.
  1. Exercise Daily:
    • Studies show that engaging in at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a day can help improve sleep quality at night. Exercise can also help alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression which are culprits to a restless mind at night. However, evening exercise can over stimulate your body. If you want to exercise at night, try to do it at least two hours before bedtime.
  2. Take Care of Your Morning To-Do’s Before Bed:
    • Setting aside time in the evening to prepare for the next day can help promote peace of mind as you go to bed and prevent hectic mornings. Suggested tasks: make your lunch, set breakfast items out, layout your outfit, place essential items by the door for easy grab and go and wash dishes. And if needed, make a to-do list for the next day to help eliminate any unnecessary worrying thoughts at night.
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