Day 6: Go Hawks!

We started the day by going to Polo beach. This beach used
to be one of my favorite beaches because it has decent waves making it great for
boogie boarding. The surf was up making it even more fun to watch the boogie
boarders and gave me a chance to make a decent dent in my book.

Towards the end of our beach day there was a small cloud
that rolled in and brought some light rain with it. We stayed for a while
longer to get some more reading in but then it was off to get ready for the
Hawks game!

Our group headed over to Wailea and met up with some other Seahawks
fans, from Spokane, at their place. It was the perfect place to watch the game;
giant TV, great food, beautiful view and great company. If you didn’t watch the
game, you missed one hell of a game! We won in overtime, go Hawks!

After the game we headed home and went to bed in preparation
for the adventures of the next day.
